Precise breathing
“Precise Breathing or Why I Call My Baby Honey" ( 2006-2010) is a project about the honeybee and our relationship with them.
The works in this installation, something of a selective cabinet of curiosities or wunderkammer, include a variety of materials and forms as they delve into the intricate relationship between bees and ourselves. My work with bees began in the summer of 1999 outside Avignon, France where I worked with a beekeeping family who were already dealing with the impact of sick and vanishing bees. “Sewing Songs”, (1999 - 2004) which originally arose from this work and uses the honeybee as a metaphor, is a kind of fairytale multimedia performance and is a precursor to “Precise Breathing”.
With special thanks to Craig Baumhofer for his invaluable collaborative insights and assistance and curator Michael Tcheyan.